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Monday, November 15, 2010

The Expendables Review

So many fun and enjoyable moments, but so many of these overshadowed by poor dialogue, pointless scenes and general incoherence.

I'm still unclear as to the point of this movie; or even why we should care for these characters at all.

The film is tarnished with poor attempts to create back stories for the two main leads (Stallone & Statham). Stallone's scenes with Rourke feel forced and unnecessary. While Statham's were predictable, contrived and pointless.

The rest of the expendables also feel like they were thrown in at the last minute, like bonus characters in a computer game. They serve no real purpose and at best seem to be the comedy relief in the film.

Stallone wanted some sort of meaty story with just as meaty action. In the end we got neither. He clearly struggles with the ensemble and what to do with the characters.The action scenes themselves, whilst there are some high moments, they come across as showcases for each of the actors action chops rather then to further the plot.

Was really looking forward to this, but I think Sly could have done with baking the cake a little longer.

I do see some glints of great fun in the movie and perhaps in a sequel, he can try and turn those glints into something memorable.

As it is, the movie fell flat for me. Wait for the DVD.


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